Without the use of a crystal ball, it’s pretty difficult to know what you’re getting into when relocating to a new city. Job markets could be prosperous, leading to higher salaries and more positions, or they could be incredibly poor, meaning lower salaries and fewer jobs. One outcome sees you enjoying a better career, while the other means an extended job search and barely enough to pay the bills. It’s a gamble you don’t want to make without the proper research.
Since you most likely don’t have a crystal ball (if you did, why would you even need a job?) we’ll help you out with a quick rundown of the biggest positions across Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater.
As we’ve discussed in previous posts, the national workforce is seeing rapid development in quite a few industries. Doctors, registered nurses and general medical staff as well as engineers, programmers and sales jobs are expanding as needs develop or previous hiring droughts have generated new demand. Luckily, the Tampa Bay Area has more than its fair share of each.
These are the top five jobs in the Tampa Bay area.
- General Dentists- A 2017 study estimates there are a little over three million residents of the Tampa Bay Area with new members every day. With so many teeth on the go, no wonder an entry-level position pays an average $55k annually, with upper-level dental professionals seeing an average salary of about $167k per year.
- Nurse Anesthetists- Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg are home to thousands of medical centers and general surgery facilities making it a gold mine for those helping patients sleep soundly through an operation. An entry-level salary is around $110k per year, but don’t get too excited. We don’t want to wake anyone up during their heart surgery.
- General Pediatricians- The rapidly growing population brings an entire new generation into the care of medical professionals. Doctors with training to handle children will see salaries starting at around $110k per year.
- Computer and Information Systems Managers- So many new businesses embracing the latest tech need someone to help avoid meltdowns. Sure, your boss might need wireless printing explained half a dozen times, but starting salaries in the area are currently around $86k per year.
- Sales Managers- An ever-growing industry, the rise in population has caused a boom in sales positions of every level for a number of services and products. If you find yourself at the helm of a team, you can expect starting salaries around $67k per year.
If you’re one of the lucky few in the Tampa Bay area’s top five jobs, there’s no better time to start relocating. Join Monikl.com today and start making the next step in your career.
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