Careers are rarely something in which people want to rock the boat. With rent, groceries, social lives and maybe kids relying on that income, anything that’s not a promotion is too risky. Hands at 10 and two, stick to the right lane, stay five under the limit, nobody wants any surprises on this trip.
Most people are comfortable with their peaceful ride, and that’s perfectly acceptable, but for one reason or another, some people just go full Evel Knievel. However, rather than canyons and buses, they’re jumping careers and industries.
A career transition is guaranteed to be two things, intimidating and frustrating, but the hard work pays off in the end. Whether it’s pursuing better growth in an emerging field or following your true passion, here are some tips to help you land safely.
Research, soul search
Like any major, life-altering decision, it’s important to get yourself mentally sorted out before the stress and to-do lists come into play. Where do you want to go? Why do you want to go there? What are you willing to do to make it? Who can help you? When does the transition start?
It’s important to know that this change may require a step back or be short and sweet. A transition from healthcare marketing to consumer marketing, for example, will be a much easier time than a welder becoming a chef. Researching and soul searching will prepare you for coming change.
Focus on qualifications
It’s not often that industries share titles, let alone responsibilities or rank in the company ladder. By focusing on what makes you qualified, downplaying your previous titles, it removes any need for explanation or the chance of making yourself seem like a misfit.
That new sales job may not see the value in your previous role as an office manager, but they’ll likely understand your daily responsibilities of meeting and exceeding productivity benchmarks.
Show passion
Although it sounds cliche, showing how much you care can often overcome a few uncertainties businesses can have. Tell them what’s driving you to make this switch and why they’re the ones you’re hoping to make the plunge for.
Whether you’re just looking for a new job, changing industries or switching careers, Monikl makes it easier than ever to connect with businesses looking for you. Learn more and sign up at Monikl.com.
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