Anyone with a Costco or Sam’s Club membership can tell you that doing anything in bulk is a challenging game. A sale on three pounds of bananas (not speaking from experience) can quickly become a fruit-infused nightmare as you struggle to not let that investment go to waste (again, not speaking from experience).
If it’s hard enough to manage buying more bananas than usual, it goes without saying that bringing on multiple employees is no easy task. After all, hiring one consumes more time and resources than nearly any other regular business activity.
This is where companies who find themselves needing to mass hire see the other side of the double-edged sword. A massive success is now an incredible amount of work and risk in a short time period.
If you find yourself need a lot of people, quickly, consider these tips to make life easier.
Shout it from the rooftops
When you’re hiring en masse, subtlety is a thing of the past. It won’t be enough to have one listing in the nearly hidden careers section of your website. Share it with your professional and personal network, hold a job fair, anything that puts your listing in front of as many eyes as possible.
This is a big departure from the standard hiring process. Where qualified candidates typically seek positions amongst hundreds of listings, the tables are flipped. It’s now the companies seeking a few qualified candidates from hundreds of applicants.
Create piles
The more roles you need to be filled, the less time you have to spend looking through resumes. A normal hiring process entails 10-15 minutes to view and consider each applicant, but if you’re staring at a stack of 50 resumes, that’s not a realistic feat.
Create a “no,” “possibly,” and “yes” pile, then decide what criteria constitute entry to the respective pile. Missing cover letter? No. Iffy cover letter, but excellent skills? Possibly. Relevant experience, offers references, certified in the field? Yes.
Setting standards not only streamlines the process, you’ll find better candidates in less time.
Get some assistance
Hiring somebody to help you hire someone else may not seem like the most direct solution, but for some companies, it very well may be. Handing the task off to an expert recruiting team comes with a lower financial risk, more time to dedicate back to daily business and saves you a ton of headache.
However, it is important to remember every recruiter is different.
Here at Monikl, we offer advantages in the way candidates are pre-screened and matched to ensure every candidate sent your way is a perfect fit. With a flat 7.5% success-based fee, you only pay when you’ve made a hire.
Ready to begin scaling up? Visit for more information.
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