All too often candidates find themselves as finalists for a position alongside three other qualified, talented applicants with similar experience and knowledge in the field.
When hiring managers are left to compare candidates who are virtually the same, the final decision is essentially a coin toss. Later down the road, they may find their designer can’t juggle projects, a programmer unable to explain a roadblock or that their team leader (ironically) doesn’t work well with others. Meanwhile, you lost out on your first choice job and may very well still be searching.
If all variables are the same, your only chance of breaking through as the best candidate is through soft skills.
Soft skills are talents and abilities that can’t be learned on the job, but may be critical to its success or make you more capable than the rest. They impact everything from personal work habits to interacting with colleagues or customers and, when placed on a resume, help hiring managers identify whether you’re a fit for their work environment.
If you look at your competition and see a reflection, here are some soft skills that can make all the difference:
Duh, right? But it isn’t just about whether words come out when you open your mouth, it’s about how well you transmit messages. Matching tone and style to the situation, effectively giving or taking instructions and explaining complex issues are all critical to a positive workplace.
Problem Solving
If you do anything in life, you’re going to encounter some problems. Having someone on the team who will bypass or solve them means a more efficient business with fewer delays.
Especially in a small business setting, being able to take on tasks or challenges that aren’t a direct part of your job is a huge relief to coworkers and higher ups. Someone who’s willing to occasionally step out of their comfort zone is more likely to pick up new skills and be reliable.
Time Management
Work that’s rushed at the end of the day is work that’s re-done at the beginning of the next. Being able to prioritize tasks with a focus on deadlines and importance reduces stress across the team and creates an overall better end result.
Ready to show those skills off to hiring managers? Get started with Monikl today.
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