The entryway to the professional world is less of an automatic, more of a revolving, door of ever-changing methods, trends and more. What works for some won’t for others, trends become tired and new possibilities alter the norm. As more advancements and opportunities are made every day, the ever-shortening life cycle of best practices means job seekers are learning a new game each year.
For professionals looking to make a little change this year, here’s a rundown on best practices you need to know and, more importantly, which ones to ditch to make this year successful.
Know: How ATS Works
More companies are adopting AI and other applicant tracking systems (ATS) to save time and resources on the onslaught of resumes they get. As much as this is for your benefit, ensuring quicker turnaround and more successful matching to jobs you want, it also means your resume can be lost if it’s not optimized.
Ensure you have a clear, focused resume that hits on all the keywords and buzzwords you can muster that are crucial to the job. The quicker and more accurately the system can decide you’re qualified, the more success you’ll find.
Forget: To Take What You’re Given
Even with salaries across the board rising, national averages have fallen far behind the cost of living in most cities. Until the day (or decade) they catch up, you need to know what to expect to ensure at least some savings and activities are viable after rent and groceries.
Research rates and salaries in your area as you search for jobs so that when an offer comes through the door you won’t be signing a bad deal. This is especially important for industry newcomers or those looking to move as it determines everything from the quality of life to job satisfaction. If you find yourself with a lousy deal, knowing your worth will help you negotiate or walk away.
Know: That It Won’t Be Fun
It can’t be repeated enough for as much as it goes without saying. Hidden beside charts and figures on increased hire rates are the details on an exploding labor pool. With so many people comes competition like never before.
Companies are going to take their time and, unfortunately, you could interview a dozen times and lose them all. Knowing what you’re up against won’t make it enjoyable, but you’ll be more fortified for the weeks, even months, of turndowns before an offer is made. There’s a job with your name on it, it’s all a matter of patience.
Forget: About Being Job Board Exclusive
There’s a lot of truth, lies and conflicting answers in the job searching world, but what everyone agrees on is there have never been so many ways to find a job than there are now.
With companies fighting for new talent in every corner of the world and web you can’t rely on any one source for job listings. Social media, referrals, networking, professional communities, recruiters, those who find gold are turning over every stone. Refresh your LinkedIn, but don’t forget to see what other avenues, even AI, can provide for you.
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