With Thanksgiving behind us, so begins the annual gauntlet of holidays and get-togethers that dominate the final stretch of our year. Turkey gives way to trees and menorahs then champagne and confetti. Failing to prepare can not only make a mess of our personal lives and enjoyment of the time but for those in the midst of a job search, can mean setbacks in the new year.
While managing a job search during the busiest months of the year isn’t ideal, it’s not impossible. In fact, despite the belief that holidays are historically a hiring dead zone, many may find the break they’ve been waiting for. Making the best of your holiday job search relies on using its many quirks and changes to your advantage.
For those looking to maintain a job hunt this holiday season, consider these tips.
Make a Schedule
The easiest way to fall behind is to stop moving. As responsibilities, activities and travel enter the mix, enforcing a daily routine, even if it’s a half hour, to check out job boards and drop some applications will keep you in practice and working towards your goal.
But it’s not just about holding yourself accountable either. The majority of job seekers will slow down or stop altogether during the holidays. During this time, companies who would typically be drowning in applicants are still seeking help and many businesses get the ball rolling to welcome a new team member right after the new year. By keeping up the momentum you’ve built, you’ll find yourself applying while the competition is looking for parking at the mall.
It’s never a bad time to reach out to old colleagues and acquaintances. But not only is it encouraged during the holiday season, everybody is fair game, no matter how long ago you shared an office with them. Use the tradition of season’s greetings to your advantage by sending best wishes to your contacts and see what comes of it.
Not sure what to say? We understand. After all, not everyone may be comfortable with mentioning your job hunt to people you last spoke to several years ago. When in doubt, always start with sending your best regards. If a conversation sparks, you’ll have a more natural way to mention it.
Focus on Yourself
But not in the way we all give ourselves a much-deserved present after surviving the shopping and festivities.
Whether you’re traveling, strapped for time or stuck in your grandma’s wifi-less house for a week, not everybody has access to online job boards and email. Taking the time to reevaluate and edit your resume is just as valuable as applying for jobs. Without other distractions in the mix, people often make crucial improvements they may not have seen without time to focus exclusively on their skills section.
Need a little help managing your holiday job search? Let companies and careers come to you. Join Monikl today to start matching to new jobs in your field.
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