Bringing on a new employee isn’t just substantial step for the company or simply a new addition to the team. A new member represents the exhausting, weeks (sometimes months) long search you and your managers have spent pouring over resumes and sitting down with everything from a qualified candidate to an internet weirdo.
Not to add to the pressure, but it certainly doesn’t help when the average cost of onboarding a new employee hangs around a breezy $230,000.
With all that in mind, you not only want to get it right, you need to get right in as few attempts as possible. If you’re struggling to place that job listing or deciding how to screen candidates these insights of human resource pros may come in handy:
Take your time
Use this very article as a test of your hiring prowess. Companies all too often think they can cut the hiring process in half and simply fire later. So if the first paragraph didn’t leave you thinking “You’re right, it’s a long process regardless so let’s do this right,” then the hard average cost a few lines later probably did.
If neither of those points can convince you to take your time, we on the Monikl team offer our deepest sympathies for the hard road ahead.
Rushing means pressure and pressure means snap decisions that rarely work in the long run. Don’t drag it on forever, but making a point to go from interview to offer within a month affords you plenty of time to consider all options.
Have some fun, get to know them
You aren’t just looking to see whether someone can fill a role, you’re looking to see if they fit in with the company. But you won’t find out if they’re a good fit with a boring old interview format.
Come up with a few unique questions. Learn about them beyond the scope of the job and have a laugh or two. Breaking down some barriers will not only give you a more accurate picture of who they are and whether they fit but make the entire interview more enjoyable.
Ask questions
“No duh,” right? It’s an interview. Of course, you’re asking questions. But often times interviewers stick too closely to the script and miss valuable information in the process. If a candidate’s response elicits any curiosity, ask about it.
Whether it’s discussing a past accomplishment or what their favorite food is, deeper questioning reveals the passion and a clearer picture of the roles they play.
You can’t hire the best candidates if you can’t find the best candidates. That’s where we come in. Sign up at Monikl.com to be instantly connected with your perfect match.
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