It’s easier than ever to find yourself lost in the search for a new team member. What roles need filling? Where will you list them? What are you looking for in a candidate? How many resumes are you accepting? Who’s handling resumes? And so on until the room begins to spin. But the problem lies in how much time answering each question requires and, unfortunately, we didn’t even list half of them.
Recently business owners have turned to technology to solve all of their headaches. But as solutions become more complex, so do their costs and, unfortunately (again), not all of them work.
While it may seem like the best option is the unnamed “hire nobody, retire early” one, there’s many simple and effective ways to hire the best with none of the headaches.
If you’re looking to hire amazing new employees, try out these overlooked or forgotten tactics.
Employee Referrals
Who knows what’s better for the team than it’s actual members? More often than not, for every great employee, there’s one friend who would love to come on board.
Giving current employees the chance to refer friends provides both a free means of advertising the open role and a way to verify the quality of each candidate before they even interview. The key to success with this method is ensuring all employees know how to refer a friend. Whether it’s an officially documented, on-paper referral or a quick word after a meeting, provide them with exact details for how your company handles this process.
The Old Resume Pile
Too many companies are guilty of deleting the names and information of an untapped talent gold mine: previous applicants.
It’s perfectly fine to get rid of obvious mismatches. However, keeping the resumes and info of runner-ups for previously filled positions provides a source of candidates you already like who, with time and more experience, may be an excellent fit for your current opening. Not only will this save you time and resources, but can often save you from ever posting a job listing.
Artificial Intelligence
Despite our earlier scoff at technology’s role in the staffing world, one does show promise despite little attention so far.
AI, much like what we use at Monikl, is the perfect blend of using technology to simplify the process while still giving you excellent, affordable results. Acting much like a staffing agent would, entire databases of candidate resumes can be parsed and matched to job listings in seconds. Not only are your needs met, but thanks to the power of machine learning, you can even discover early on whether they’ll be a cultural fit for your workplace environment.
Ready to make hiring the right candidate a breeze? Visit Monikl to find out how.
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