Unless you finished college and curled up under the freeway, you know what it’s like to search for a job. And unless you nailed an above average salary and were hired in under a week after your first application, you also know how painful the process can be. Dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes and applications. Emails that never seem to take you anywhere. Phone calls that make it to voicemail suspiciously fast.
Finding a job is an awful process, and we don’t wish it upon our worst enemies. It’s why we built Monikl in the first place, to make it simpler and more effective. But with so much at stake for those currently unemployed, we don’t want you to take our word for it. Here are three ways conventional job searches tend to slow you down, and what we’re doing to fix them.
Lack of Communication
Email has done wonders for communicating with potential employers. Both parties instantly get a personally written letter right to their inbox. Communication should be a snap, right? Unfortunately, emails tend to get buried in other emails. Sometimes an “I’ll respond to that later” turns into a week. Or sometimes, in rare cases, things just don’t get delivered, lost forever in the great beyond.
We condense the messaging process. By keeping it within the app it keeps inboxes from being cluttered. Employers and candidates can access and respond to messages faster.
Lengthy Applications
Does anyone enjoy inputting resumes four times and attaching a PDF then connecting to LinkedIn? The architecture of many employer’s websites can be frustrating. This adds unnecessary stress to the process and really pumps the brakes on job searching. For employers with a bad site, this can actually deter perfectly qualified candidates.
Monikl uses one button submissions. Input your info once and reuse it for every application you send. For employers, our database collects requirements from you and turns it into questions for potential candidates. Simple and easy to save everybody a headache.
No Real People
Many companies leave the application process up to automated systems and responses which are notorious for failing. Some applicants may also be rubbed the wrong way when they spend time applying only to get a generic “Thank you” email. Applicants want to speak to people, and employers want an easier means to do so.
The Monikl platform is built upon fostering a relationship. Employers and job seekers are matched perfectly together, applications are a breeze and messages are sent directly to a real user’s inbox.
What are you waiting for? Get out of the dark ages with Monikl.
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