There comes a time in everyone’s life when it’s time to move. While a lucky few only head a few streets over, others may be chasing their careers to more “happening” cities or fulfilling lifelong dreams of hightailing it across the country.
For those in the latter category, no amount of pets or backbreaking antique furniture can prepare you for the most difficult item to relocate: your job.
In a perfect world moving would entail unpacking a neatly arranged trunk in the destination of your choice, finding a comfy couch and heading straight to your new workplace once settled in. While the perfect world doesn’t often translate into the real world (if you think it’s all fitting in the trunk, you’re in for a rude awakening), here are some tips to help you roll into town with a job waiting.
Cheat the System
Popular job searching sites often display candidates on a first name, last name and location basis. The hiring manager for your dream job in Chicago is going to be a little confused when the first applicant they see is in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Changing your location is on par with bluffing your way past security to get backstage. It may also be wise to leave your current address off of your resume unless you have a local one already. The person in charge of deleting strange applications has no idea where you are. Once you’re past them, have the conversation with your interviewer on exact moving dates.
Be Obvious
Aside from getting your foot in the door, you actually want to be very careful and honest about your relocation plans. Every employer knows the sting of making an offer only to find out it will be a three-month wait, or the candidate expects reimbursement for the move.
“Dear [name], As I prepare to move to [location] on [date]…” is a straight-forward cover letter opener should that come up. If it isn’t addressed until a phone interview, that’s also a perfect time to make your plan and intentions clear.
Get Some Help
Recruiting sites (like ours, hint hint) are a helping hand that can put your name in front of companies while you’re busy pushing a couch up three flights of stairs. They’re also great at negotiating temporary and contract positions, in case you aren’t quite sold on the area or want to try a few things before settling into one position.
Ready to dive into a brand new town? Make the move a little easier, sign up with Monikl today.
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