At the risk of sounding like a glass-half-empty poet, the office world is a lawless frontier kept on the brink of civility by just one thing: the human resources department. No amount of “Casual Fridays” or luncheons will stop the workplace from descending into a Mad Max wasteland once checks are late, vacations aren’t approved or morale dips.
One team is all that keeps a healthy workplace from becoming the Thunderdome.
Human resources is the backbone of every company, providing structure and support for its employees to carry out everyday business. Without the clutter of operational tasks like payroll and recruitment, employees on all levels work more efficiently.
As HR’s role continues to expand within the workplace, the opportunity for growth and advancement has made it a popular career path. But as we’ve seen in fields like IT and engineering, with popularity comes extreme competition.
Stepping into human resources requires you to stand out. Not sure where to start? Try some of these tips.
Reach out directly
Blindly firing out resumes can be both fun and effective if you’re in the right industry. Unfortunately, HR isn’t one of them.
Making contact with a specific recruiter or hiring manager cuts through the piles of resumes others have blindly sent in. When you go to them, they’re more likely to come to you.
Become a temp
Human resources is unique in how some companies may only need its services temporarily. Maybe that recent hiring spree has their current team stretched thin until they can expand in six months. Regardless of the reason, there are gaps to fill and working with a recruiter can get your foot in the door.
Your contract will now end with one of two outcomes: you’re hired as a permanent employee for the company or you leave with recent, relevant, resume-worthy experience.
Think outside the box
Just because you aren’t in the human resources department doesn’t mean you aren’t picking up relevant skills. Sales, account management and business development are two equally critical and successful positions which can make you a more valuable addition to an HR team later on.
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