Nobody enjoys cramming their whole life’s story onto an 8.5×11” piece of paper which usually winds up in the trash. It’s time consuming, expensive (ink isn’t free) and always feels impersonal. Years of experience can be totally lost on a recruiter because you didn’t list knowledge of a specific program or didn’t properly present your skills.
As archaic as resumes have come to feel, considering how email, social media, networking events and job sites are better alternatives, it’s not going anywhere any time soon. It’s the perfect tool for employers and employees alike.
It’s purpose is best split into a “you” and “employer” category.
It keeps you:
To the point
And for employers it provides:
A quick way to learn about you
Easy side-by-side comparison with other candidates
A guideline and leading questions for an interview
Considering what a resume needs to accomplish, creating a better way should be easy, right? In short, yes, but a closer look reveals it just takes a new form.
Resumes are being updated and revolutionized every day. Those applying for jobs have a far different experience than those searching as little as a year ago. But no matter what happens, the core of a resume will always remain.
LinkedIn fuses Facebook with job search sites to create a professional social media network, the only catch is your entire profile is just a slightly modified version of a resume. Want to apply for jobs? The network forwards your profile in lieu of a PDF. Online job sites often require a simple digital copy of a resume while others may have you answer basic questions and fill in their pre-formatted resume. Even our site, Monikl, uses digital copies of resumes in combination with basic questions to build your profile.
Don’t hold your breath, because there’s no resume replacement coming any time soon. However breakthroughs in job searching and the staffing industry have eased the pain over the years, making this the perfect time to begin your job search now.
There’s no saving you from the resume, but there is a way to make job searching easier. For a more efficient way to find the perfect job visit Monikl.com today.
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