You got the job! All of that hard work has paid off and your signature looks beautiful on the offer. What are you waiting for? It’s time to celebrate. However, now is also the time to start getting ready for your first day.
The first day is a pretty big deal. While it won’t require as much stress and preparation as the interview, this is still part of the first impression. What you do on the first day will set the tone for the days that follow. Your employer will know what to expect, how you work and you’ll start building up some goodwill for the unwanted, but unavoidable, bad day we’re all doomed to have.
Before we get too involved we’re going to sound like your mother for a minute with this general tip: be yourself. No matter what you do, be yourself. Jobs are a long-term commitment and the company is better off when you act like yourself. You no longer need the excessive networking, ready-to-do-anything-short-of-murder-but-wouldn’t-immediately-rule-it-out attitude from the job search. It’s ok to take a breath and dial it back.
If you just landed a job, here are three tips for helping you on day one.
Be Professional
You’re never going to keep friends if you ask for a loan ten minutes after meeting them. The same applies here.
The first day is for getting to know your coworkers. You should leave knowing everybody’s name and hopefully having made a good impression. Smile, greet them and introduce yourself to those you don’t already know. You’ll break the ice and start forming crucial relationships right away.
Be On Time
Plan how and when you’re getting to work and stick to it. Occasionally being a few minutes late is fine once you’ve settled with the company, but never on the first day.
Additionally, showing up a few minutes early and maybe staying a few minutes late shows you’re willing to be there when it matters. It can also help you get an idea of how the office works. Who shows up early, who stays late, when lunch usually starts, etc.
Be Open Minded
Just like you wouldn’t enjoy a stranger coming in and rearranging your house, don’t do the same to your workplace.
The first day is all about learning how they do it. You aren’t there to show off that better way you believe you’ve found of handling things. Let them take the wheel and show you their process.
Surviving the first day is a cake walk compared to the struggles of a job search. If you’re still on the hunt, get one step closer to a new job with Monikl.com.
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